Tuesday 12 June 2007

Books and Movies

There's a few adaptations at the cinemas at the moment. If you're like me, you'll want to make sure you've read (or in some cases, reread) the book before you go see the movie.

A modern children's classic has just made it's way to the cinema. The Bridge To Terabithia by Katherine Paterson was first published in 1977 and quickly became a favourite. Countless pre-teens and teens have read and studied it for school (one of the better books I read for school). It's a brilliant coming of age story that weaves elements of the fantastical with real life to tell the characters' story.

Definitely worth a read, or reread, even if you don't intend on seeing the movie. But I recommend seeing the movie too. I saw it last week and it's a brilliant adaptation. There are some changes, as there always are when a book is transposed to film, but all the important bits are there and it stays true to the tone and point of the story, even when changes are made. You'll need as many tissues for the movie as you did for the book.

Romulus, My Father is also out at the cinemas at the moment. This best selling biography by Raimond Gaita tells the story of his father Romulus through Raimond's eyes. It's a beautiful biography that explores love and life and is well worth the read for what you will gain from it, especially because of the local settings.

For all those kids who have seen the previews for the upcoming Nancy Drew movie and were entranced, or perhaps older readers who wish to revisit their old favourites, we have a large range of Nancy Drew novels in stock all the time.

There's also a host of recent and upcoming movies that we have tie-in material for. We have colouring books, sticker books, movie novellisations, young reader books based on the movies and other similar things for Spiderman 3 and Shrek the Third.

We also have a display bin devoted to The Simpsons in honour of the highly anticipated, upcoming movie.

No tie-in material for the Transformers movie as yet, but we hope to have some soon. In the mean time, fans who don't already have them can enjoy the DK Visual Guide and the DK Ultimate Guide for the cartoons.

So, if you need to brush up before you go see a movie, you loved the movie and you want more, or you just can't wait until the movie comes out, come in and see us.
And if I haven't listed your favourite here, be sure to ask us in store, on the phone, by email, or right here, because I'm sure there are plenty I've missed!

Tuesday 5 June 2007

New Moon - Stephanie Meyer

Wow! That one certainly went quickly. We've already sold out and put in an order for more. We've had a few customers put orders in for it too, so feel free to leave your name as well, or you might miss out on this lot too.
I hope it's worth the wait. I haven't started mine yet, as I've got a couple of other books that have been waiting patiently in my pile of books to read.