Tuesday 15 January 2008

We survived the holiday season...

Hi guys.
I hope everyone had happy holidays - however you chose to spend the period.

We certainly had a great time here at the store. You hear so many horror stories about holiday shoppers, but aside from the occasional frazzled customer, and the odd customer who left it a little too late to look for a specific book, we had a wonderful period.

Helping someone find the right book is so much fun. And it's really rewarding if they come in at a later date to tell you that the book was loved. It's definitely one of my favourite things about the job (the other major one being the fact that I'm surrounded by books).

This year I hope to put a lot more into our blog. To help make this a resolution I keep - rather than one that is made with good intentions but fades away quickly - I'd love to hear from all of you about what you want to see us talk about. And if you've read any great books over summer, I'd love to hear about them.
I might even be able to coax some of the others to post here a little more regularly.

In the meantime - happy reading and see you all in store.
