Tuesday 29 May 2007

Stephanie Meyer

For those of you who have been eagerly awaiting the Australian release of the sequel to Stephanie Meyer's Twilight, your wait is over!
New Moon has just arrived in store. We also have copies of the newly reprinted and rejacketed Twilight. Both covers are black with a striking use of white and red. They definitely stand out on the shelf!
I hope you all enjoy it. I've already got mine on hold.


Anonymous said...

New fantasy book? Why haven't I heard about this?! Probably because I haven't checked here in a while :)

Anonymous said...

Ooh, I remember seeing Twilight around and thinking about getting it. I was under the impression it was going to be a stand alone, though. It sounded pretty interesting.

The wonders of Google :)

Book City, Centro Lansell said...

I think Twilight went under the radar when it first came out. There was no big flashy release, but it became pretty popular just from word of mouth. I hadn't actually heard of it until a few of our other customers spoke to me about it.
Stephanie Meyer now has a pretty big fan base and a lot of peopel had been waiting for New Moon to come out here, since it was released in America around the start of the year.

I'm definitely looking forward to reading it.

Anonymous said...

Apparently the black and red covers are the US covers- the UK ones, the ones we usually get, have a white background. I saw the black and red covered Twilight in another bookshop yesterday, though. I think its odd that we've gotten both covers.

Book City, Centro Lansell said...

I didn't know that.
It is rather odd for us to have had access to both versions of teh cover. Usually we get either the UK or the US versions for a book.
But it seems that the black and red are the most common around here now. I don't mind - I quite like them.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, here's the different covers for Twilight and these are the covers for New Moon

The Netherlands cover of Twilight is apparently similar to the US cover, I don't know why its not there.