Monday 11 February 2008

Christopher Paolini & Stephanie Meyer - Release dates!

I've got some great news for all you teen fantasy fans today.

We have release dates for new books for both of these authors.

Christopher Paolini's new book (the third in the Inheritance series) is scheduled for release in September this year. We've also been informed that it will be a quartet now - not a trilogy as previously imagined. That leaves you with even more to look forward to.

Stephanie Meyer has a worldwide release date for her new book Breaking Dawn. It will be released on August 2nd at 12.01 am in the US. We as still unsure exactly which time zone that refers to, and it's still unknown what the reaction to the date and time will eb here in Australia.
But we'll keep you posted as we get more details!

And if you're looking for a great read right now: The Stone Key, the latest in the Obernewtyn Chronicles by Isobelle Carmody was released at the start of this month. In my opinion, it was fantastic. I could sing Isobelle Carmody's praises all day, so come in and chat if you want a synopsis or information about the themes or age recommedations. Or if you just want to chat about her books, or anyone else's for that matter.

Happy reading everyone.

Saturday 9 February 2008


February 2008 has been the month for some exciting new releases!

Some fiction new releases include:

* The Appeal - by John Grisham

In a crowded courtroom in Mississippi, a jury returns a shocking verdict against a chemical company accused of duping toxic waste into a small town's water supply, causing the worst "cancer cluster" in history. THE APPEAL is a powerful, timely, and shocking story of political and legal intrigue, a story that weill leave readers unable to think about the electoral process or judicial system in quite the same way ever again.

* Duma Key - by Stephen King

The engaging, fascinating story of a man who discovers an incredible talent for painting after a freak accident in which he loses an arm. He moves to a 'new life' in Duma Key, off Florida's West Coast; a deserted strip, part beach, part weed-tangled. The story is about friendship, about the bond between a father and his daughter. It is also a mataphor for the life and inspiration of a writer, and an exploration of the nature, power and influence of fiction.

* The Good Husband of Zebra Drive - by Alexander McCall Smith

As winter turns to spring across the red earth, acacia trees and slow green rivers of Botswana, all is not quite as it should be on Zebra Drive. Tender, witty and wise, the latest instalment in the lives of Alexander McCall Smith's extended Botswana family instructs us with familiar modesty of importance of trust, love, not judginh by appearances and what really makes a good husband.

* Fan Mail - by PD Martin

* Remember Me? - by Sophie Kinsella

* Lords of the Bow - by Conn Iggulden

Some non-fiction New Releases include:

* The Biggest Loser Cookbook

Practical recipe book with expert nutritionist advice illustrated with well over 50 vibrant and tasty looking images to make sure you can happily stick to your healthy-eating plan, and still create delicious meals for all the family.

* Consumer Innocence - by Karen Brooks

* Breast Bottle Bowl - by Anne Hillis & Penelope Stone

* The Outbackers - by Allan M Nixon

Come in & check out more great new release titles in store

~ Petrina~