Monday 11 February 2008

Christopher Paolini & Stephanie Meyer - Release dates!

I've got some great news for all you teen fantasy fans today.

We have release dates for new books for both of these authors.

Christopher Paolini's new book (the third in the Inheritance series) is scheduled for release in September this year. We've also been informed that it will be a quartet now - not a trilogy as previously imagined. That leaves you with even more to look forward to.

Stephanie Meyer has a worldwide release date for her new book Breaking Dawn. It will be released on August 2nd at 12.01 am in the US. We as still unsure exactly which time zone that refers to, and it's still unknown what the reaction to the date and time will eb here in Australia.
But we'll keep you posted as we get more details!

And if you're looking for a great read right now: The Stone Key, the latest in the Obernewtyn Chronicles by Isobelle Carmody was released at the start of this month. In my opinion, it was fantastic. I could sing Isobelle Carmody's praises all day, so come in and chat if you want a synopsis or information about the themes or age recommedations. Or if you just want to chat about her books, or anyone else's for that matter.

Happy reading everyone.

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